What a year it’s been! So many wonderful new releases of old bands, new bands, local bands, big bands, from across all genres…truly a plethora of great music across the board. Which naturally means that choosing a top ten this year was more difficult than ever before. However, it was made a little easier because I actually got to witness many of the bands in this list live this year, or I am about to see them in the course of the next year! So let’s dive right in and start with a band that I did not have on my radar!
#10 Four Year Strong – analysis paralysis

Four Year Strong is by no means a new band but they just completely went past me over the course of their existence. However, a friend recommended their latest release and I immediately fell in love with this banger of a record! If the cover art and name are not enough to lure you in, just put on the second song, bad habit and enjoy the ride!
#9 Kraton – Monolith

I’ve always really enjoyed Kraton’s music, but their newest release was not only such a massive step up, but also into a completely direction that just really grabbed me and didn’t let me go for quite a while. Coupled with the, hands down, best concert they ever played for the release of Monolith, this one just had to have a spot in my top ten!

With this being the thirteenth (!) release in just six (!!) years by Bilmuri, you might think that the guy can’t come up with any more ideas, but this might just be the best record he’s put out. Chock full of massive anthems and catchy songs, this one is a must listen if you just want to smile! I also got to witness the band open for Sleep Token in a fairly large venue and they absolutely killed it!
#7 Better Lovers – Highly Irresponsible

I was very saddened when Every Time I Die called it quits 3 years ago, but most bad things have a silver lining: Better Lovers is one of two (technically three) bands that were born out of the ashes and together with Dillinger Escape Plan’s Greg Puciato unleashed pure mayhem on Highly Irresponsible, as well as in the tiny two hundred people cap venue that I got to witness them at this year.
#6 Linkin Park – From Zero

A sentence that I certainly didn’t have on my bingo card this year or anytime in the near future: Linkin Park are back with a record that has no skips. From Zero is a fantastic (re)tour de force and I am super excited for what Emily is going to bring to the table, and I am very much looking forward to finally seeing them live next year!
#5 Many Eyes – The Light Age

The second band that stems from the breakup of ETID, and is fronted by Keith Buckley is Many Eyes and for some reason I managed to completely miss the release of their debut album, however that same friend from #10 told me about it and I have been jamming it on repeat ever since.
#4 Knocked Loose – You Won’t Go Before You’re Supposed To

I would argue that no other band that sounds as extreme as Knocked Loose has managed to catapult itself as far as them. Their third full-length is a never-ending barrage of punches into your face and it never felt so good! Add to that the, dare I say, viral performance on American national TV and the fact that I’ll see them live next year and you’ve got a reason for my excitement.
#3 Slomosa – Tundra Rock

Slomosa’s follow-up to their brilliant debut record does in no way have to hide behind its precedessor and it was a big part of my rotation this year, along with seeing them twice, however it didn’t quite reach the same peak, for me, so it only lands on third place.
#2 Bring Me The Horizon – POST HUMAN: NeX GEn

Bring Me The Horizon continue to be at the forefront of innovating a genre that tends to go stale every few years, and the second release in their planned trilogy is filled with instant classics. I mean, it’s almost impossible to listen to the opening riff of YOUtopia without banging your head!

Blame The Others – Guilt To Last
Pest Control – Year Of The Pest
Greyhaven – Stereo Grief
Synestia – The Poetic Edda
Quick intermission for the EP special!
Local nostalgia metalcore matadors Blame The Others released an EP that just tickles me in all the right spots, and deserves to be checked out by all fans of the early 2000s!
Fast-paced thrash metal from the UK that is just a pure blast to listen to from start to finish! If Pest Control are not on your list of bands to watch out for, put them on there asap!
Greyhaven has that chaotic yet cathartic sound that I look for in music and their newest EP Stereo Grief continues in that exact vein.
Technically, half of The Poetic Edda was already released last year but this year finally saw the unveiling of the msising two songs and they complete a beautiful deathcore masterpiece! Get on it!
#1 Eidola – Eviscerate

Ever since discovering Eidola eight years ago, they have been a big part of my musical journey and they’ve constantly evolved their sound and this year they announced the release of a double album, with Eviscerate being the first, heavier, one and even before finishing my first listening session, I knew that it would be my album of the year. So if you are into progressive post-hardcore, give this one a go!
2024 is going to be an absolutely crazy year with already sixteen planned concerts and so many probable album releases on the horizon! I am wishing you all as much fun as the end of the year allows and I hope you’ll have a great 2025! Read you soon.