This past decade has seen a massive surge in remakes, remasters, reboots and reimaginings in pretty much every artistic category, be it video games, movies, TV shows or music. While I, personally, don’t mind them at all, I know that a lot of people are annoyed by the lack of innovation across the different industries…which is why some might raise an eyebrow when they learn that the new Sublind EP, called Metalmorphosis, is a re-recording of more than half of the songs off their 2014 debut album Thrashing Delirium. However, I promise you that even the naysayers will change their mind immediately, once they hear the first note of these new old songs. So let’s dive in!
First off, the line-up has drastically changed in the decade since the release of the original songs, with only the vocals being the same on both the old and the new release. This can be immediately felt because the entire approach to playing is wildly different and the, very big airquotes new guys bring a ton of fresh energy to the table.
The difference can also be heard in the production which went from complete DIY in a rehearsal space to a professional studio, adding a ton of tightness and production value to these six songs. Add to that the fact that some songs, most notably the opener Thrash It, are played at a distinctively higher tempo and you’ve got an almost unrecognizable selection of songs.
Another massive improvement, especially in direct comparison, can be found in the vocals. Because after more than a decade of taking these songs for a spin on stages around the world Europe, not only has the singer’s vocal prowess improved but also his, dare I say, showmanship. The theatrics in his vocal performance make me smile every time, with, again Thrash It, being a prime example.
All in all, these twenty-four minutes are the embodiment of a fresh coat of paint that you never knew you needed. While I’m sure there will at least be one elitist asshole calling the quintet lazy for not writing new material, the rest of us can enjoy these classics in a brilliant new way and we’ll bang our heads in unison. Metalmorphosis is an amazing start into 2025 and Sublind are here to stay! Check out their stupidly fun video for the title track below and visit their Facebook page for more information about their release show that is happening this Saturday, February 15th at the Schungfabrik in Tétange.