Staplerfahrer Klaus

Directed by: Stefan Prehn & Jörg Wagner

Produced by: Michael Sombetzki

Starring: Konstantin Graudus

It seems just like yesterday when I first saw this gem of a short movie at Luc’s place. I remember watching Forklift Driver Klaus 6 years ago and the impact it had on me, since I’m not the biggest gore afficionado; but this masterpiece was just right for me. But what is this movie about, after all?

This shortie is about Klaus’ first workday as a forklift driver where everything could possibly go wrong, from people falling off the forklift to amputations and a possessed motorsaw. The movie’s runtime is 9 minutes and just perfect for a no-brainer which parodies work safety films from the 80’s at its best.

Considering the budget of 90,000 € the effects are well made and the entertainment is at it’s highest possible value; so whenever you see this DVD for sale (which should cost no more than 5 bucks) grab this classic as fast as you can because it’s totally worth the money. The DVD features over 70 minutes of bonus material from interviews with the makers, storyboard and so on. Needless to mention that this movie earned a lot of awards among other the Canal+ International Award for Best Short Film in 2001.

Conclusion: LOVE LOVE LOVE

If you’re curious enough you can watch the whole movie on the video platform of your choice; yeah, you know what I’m talking about.