Atomic Rocket Seeders – Atomic Rocket Seeders

Hi there! It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I hope you’ve had a 2020 that has been as great and exciting as mine so far! So many cool gi- OK, too soon, I’m sorry. All joking aside, it’s been half a year since my last review and we all know why, so I’ll spare you …

Mike Litoris Complot – The Six Whoresmen

The thing I like the most about music is how it can evoke all kinds of strong feelings by simply listening to it, I feel confident in saying that I’ve gone through all the different aspects when it comes to then, but I’ve never felt like I had been assaulted after listening to a record, …

Theophagist – I Am Abyss

The older local metalheads among you might remember a little band called Elitist Death Squad, which was active about a decade ago and then faded into obscurity. Four years ago parts of that group reformed under a new name and a somewhat different sound…it was the birth of Theophagist! Fast forward to today, where the …

Fallen Lies – Confusion

Alternative rock is, generally-speaking, a very interesting genre since it appeals to a fairly wide audience, but it can also serve as a gateway drug which leads its “users” to heavier music. However, those two things only apply if the music is executed correctly, and let’s be honest: more often than not it isn’t and …

Kitshickers & The Majestic Unicorns From Hell – Split EP

Today’s post is not really going to be a review, just to be clear. By now, I don’t think you need an introduction to the two bands that are the subject of this piece, but Kitshickers and The Majestic Unicorns From Hell teamed up to release a short but sweet split EP this Saturday and …