Top 10 2021 by Yannick

Who would have thought that this situation would last yet another year? I remember back in March 2020 I was part of the optimists who thought we’d be back to normal in two weeks. Looking back now, I don’t know what I was thinking because the amount of stupidity that I’ve witnessed since then, when …

Dreadnought – Path To The Unknown

Changing band members is never an easy feat, and the Luxembourgish scene has had its fair share of new and old faces playing in different bands. However, I would argue that changing vocalists is always the riskiest move a band can make, since they tend to be the face of the band and be the …

Top 10 2020 by Yannick

Well. This has been a weird one, hasn’t it? While this year has certainly had its fair share of shitty moments, I like to think that there has been some good to it, as well…especially music-wise. It’s been different for me, since I tend to listen to music for longer periods of time mostly when …

Atomic Rocket Seeders – Atomic Rocket Seeders

Hi there! It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I hope you’ve had a 2020 that has been as great and exciting as mine so far! So many cool gi- OK, too soon, I’m sorry. All joking aside, it’s been half a year since my last review and we all know why, so I’ll spare you …

Mike Litoris Complot – The Six Whoresmen

The thing I like the most about music is how it can evoke all kinds of strong feelings by simply listening to it, I feel confident in saying that I’ve gone through all the different aspects when it comes to then, but I’ve never felt like I had been assaulted after listening to a record, …