Blanket Hill – The Courage Of Hopelessness

You know, I write these reviews just because I like supporting the local scene and because I enjoy writing down my thoughts in order to maybe get one person interested in the band I chose. Obviously, I am well aware that my reach isn’t huge and not many people in general read reviews anymore, with …

Cosmogon – Penumbra

Today’s review is a perfect example of how time flies when you’re having fun, because I’m having a hard time comprehending that it’s been more than TEN years since I saw Cosmogon play their first show at Kulturfabrik. It’s even wilder to think that today I’m writing about their first full-length, Penumbra, which is going …

Drogher – The Last Wave

I believe that I’ve mentioned it in the past, but I absolutely love being part of the Luxembourgish metal scene! Throughout the ten years that I’ve been writing reviews on here I’ve met a lot of new people which I became friends with and with friendship often come, shall we say, benefits. Today’s band is …

Dreadnought – Path To The Unknown

Changing band members is never an easy feat, and the Luxembourgish scene has had its fair share of new and old faces playing in different bands. However, I would argue that changing vocalists is always the riskiest move a band can make, since they tend to be the face of the band and be the …

Atomic Rocket Seeders – Atomic Rocket Seeders

Hi there! It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I hope you’ve had a 2020 that has been as great and exciting as mine so far! So many cool gi- OK, too soon, I’m sorry. All joking aside, it’s been half a year since my last review and we all know why, so I’ll spare you …