Trash Monday C

If someone had told me ten years ago that one day Snoop Dogg would change his name and do reggae, I’d have laughed out loud…but it happened. The video below has a certain charm with its Pokémon and Contra homages, but the afore-mentioned fact makes this a perfect number one hundred.

Sianvar – Sianvar EP

Initially, my plan was to review the handful of albums that I didn’t get to do last year, either because they came out too late or due to me simply missing their release. However, I did stumble over this little gem which marks a great start into 2014, since it was released on January 5th! As you might have guessed from the artwork, I’m talking about Sianvar and their self-titled EP.

This quintet is somewhat of a supergroup, with members from Dance Gavin Dance, A Lot Like Birds, Stolas and Hail The Sun. Unsurprisingly, the band plays super catchy post-hardcore which will immediately please every fan of the genre.

The five tracks actually have a remarkable variation to them; jumping from fast-paced scream-filled passages to melodic dreaminess without missing a beat or breaking the flow…but I could not have expected anything else, if you consider the above-mentioned roster.

Every single instrument is pushed to its limits with the intricate guitar riffs and complex drumming, which prevents these twenty-two minutes from getting boring even after the fifteenth play. The same goes for the vocals, which almost constantly switch between clean singing and screaming, thus giving enough variation to avoid repetition.

All in all, the Sianvar EP totally deserves to be checked out by everyone and sets the bar for this year’s future releases at a considerable height! Be sure to check the band’s Facebook page and listen to the tracks below! Enjoy!

Changes (not the David Bowie song)

2013 was a big year for El Gore, both for the blog but also for the people involved. As it stands now, we all have full-time job and/or university duties, which is why we decided to loosen up our schedule a bit.

Trash Monday will continue without any breaks whatsoever and one review, be it music or movie, is also guaranteed. Of course, additional content might be added in busy weeks in terms of new releases.

That’s about it! We will strive to review as much as we possibly can, but for now our personal lives need to be put first. We hope you understand!

~The El Gore team~

Top 5 2013 by Yannick

2013 has been a very busy and rewarding year for me…especially in the music department. It’s been my first full year at El Gore and I managed to put out forty-seven reviews, which I’m a bit proud of to be honest, since I absolutely love doing what I do. But since the year is almost over, it’s time to compile a list of my top five albums…so here goes!

#5 Scarred – Gaia/Medea (review)

There have been quite a few really solid Luxembourgish releases this year, but to me the five guys from Scarred take the cake with their second full length. If you haven’t listened to this…you, sir or madam, have missed out big time. What are you waiting for? Go!

#4 Devildriver – Winter Kills (review)

Even though DD never really re-invent themselves completely on their biennially released albums…they always manage to suck me in and keep me there for quite a while. Winter Kills is no exception and has thus won a spot in my hall of fame this year.

#3 Stone Sour – House Of Gold & Bones Part 2 (review)

I said it last year…and the same argument is valid this time around: if Corey Taylor is involved in a project, it’s almost guaranteed to land on my list. But in the case of HoGaB Part 2 this is not pure fanboyism but actually appreciation of, arguably, the best Stone Sour album to date.

#2 Counterparts – The Difference Between Hell And Home (review)

These Canadians completely unexpectedly blew me away with their third release with the long name. While I never considered myself a true fan of melodic hardcore, I lost my musical virginity of the genre to a brilliant album, and I highly recommend giving it a go if I were you!

#1 A Day To Remember – Common Courtesy (review)
August Burns Red – Rescue & Restore (review)
Bring Me The Horizon – Sempiternal (review)
Secrets – Fragile Figures (review)

I thought about my number one long and hard. Not only is that what she said, but it’s also applicable to this list. There was just no way for me to choose between any of these four records since I’ve listened to each one at least, not even kidding, one-hundred times before putting down the first letter of my review. That’s how overwhelmed I was by all four individually. If someone held a gun to my head and asked me to choose an overall winner, I’d have to go with Bring Me The Horizon, simply because they put forth the biggest musical change…but I can honestly recommend all four records without a second doubt.

That’s it, folks. I hope you had as much fun reading my reviews as I had writing them and I hope that you enjoy the holidays: drink lots, eat lots and in case you get some cash…keep my list in mind. I’m looking forward to next year, which should see new releases by: Chiodos, Architects, Betraying The Martyrs, Slipknot, Issues and Emarosa! The local front also has two announced releases that I can’t wait to get my hands on; those being of the thrashers Sublind and the space cowboys Cosmogon!

Top 5 2013 by Luc

Yeah, 2013 was a great year, again. I am not talking about movies, because honestly, I went to the cinema only once or twice, mainly because 2013 wasn’t a very interesting movie year for me. Let’s see what 2014 will bring.

For the rest, 2013 rocked. I won’t include any private stuff, even though I could fill a top 100 with all that… but let’s see what else made 2013 so great for me.

#5 My Retro Game/Console Collection upgrade

I have always been interested in the oldschool consoles, arcade coin machines and games. Why? Well, first of all because of my childhood. I had an amazing one and I made the first gaming experiences together with my brothers and friends during this time. Secondly because of the fun factor. It is obvious that gaming graphics get more realistic from console to console but for me, it isn’t about the graphics, it is, as mentioned above, about the fun factor. So, this year I raised my Game Boy, Nintendo and Super Nintendo game collection by visiting flea markets and making good deals on Ebay. I also bought my first Dreamcast (damn, I love it and I have no clue why it flopped back in 1999) and other stuff which I won’t list now. If you are interested in the collection, you should check out my instagram as I post a lot of my stuff there.

#4 Bahnhofskino

If you are into B-Movies, listen to podcasts and understand German, the Bahnhofskino podcast is an absolute must! I discovered it this year and El Gore was already the co-host in one of the episodes. Even though I do not always agree with the hosts, Patrick and Daniel, they do a fantastic, interesting  and competent job. The Bahnhofskino podcast is hebdomadal with a new episode being released every Friday. Go and check them out!

#3 Hotline Miami

Hotline Miami was released in 2012 but I only discovered it this year during my stay in Berlin. What can I say about it? It is perfect! It’s brutal and gory with GTA 2-like graphics, a weird and hypnotic soundtrack (even though I like the in-game music, you should try Mr. Oizo’s Lamb Anger during the game) and a completely fucked-up story. If you like indie games, you know what I am talking about and are probably waiting for the follow-up. If you don’t know the game, check it out.

#2 Crust Punk/Powerviolence

Bands like Discharge, ACxDC, Charles Bronson, Fuck on the Beach, etc. really caught my attention this year. The rawness, power and aggressiveness are incredible!

#1 The El Gore Zine

It was always a personal dream to release a zine, and together with my El Gore mates and the help of other friends, we finally managed to release the first copies of the first El Gore Zine edition.
By the way, if you are interested in a copy, just drop us a message on:
or write us a mail: elgore1(at)hotmail(dot)com

I wish everyone a happy new year and we’ll see each other in 2014!

Top 5 2013 by Eric

#5 Grand Theft Auto

This game brought back my motivation to play videogames. Oh, and Trevor is my homeboy!

#4 Weekend Nachos – Still (review)

Nothing says fuck homophobia and all you little dipshits like this little gem!

# 3 Kelvin’s goal vs Benfica


Destroying your rival team’s title aspirations during injury time is priceless. I am a football freak and you guys got to deal with it.

#2 Jagwar Ma – Howlin (review)

If this is the new kind of indie music, I’m sold!

#1 Jon Hopkins – Immunity

Epic. Brilliant. Glorious. Best electronic masterpiece in ages!

Top 5 2013 by Denis

Another music year is going to end soon, and so I sat down and looked back at my personal highlights this year. I must say that it is a pretty hard task to choose 5 out of many good contributions, so in case you miss beauties like Motorpsycho‘s last progressive masterpiece or Serj Tankian‘s jazz experiment, let me say that those where great moments this year, but there are five other albums that occupy a slightly stronger place in my musical part of the brain.

Have a nice 2014!


#5 Clutch – Earth Rocker (review)

Muscle cars and cigarettes, that’s how spring 2013 started off! Clutch found a way to put lady groove in a perfect stoner rock dress; an album that still keeps the pace going in December!

#4 Fights And Fires – We Could All Be Dead Tomorrow (review)

In March, Fights and Fires released their second album and proved that they still have many things to say, or let’s say shout! Danceable post hardcore mixed with 90s elements and delivered in a cleaner production than the debut. The perfect soundtrack for Wrestlemania!

#3 The Majestic Unicorns From Hell – Valde Purgamentum (review)

“Holy fuck” where the first words that came to our dear Yannick’s head during the first listen of this instrumental metal brawl, and I guess he shared those thoughts with many others. One of those albums that will keep you awake during dark winter days.

#2 Queens of The Stone Age – … Like Clockwork (review)

QOTSA, once again, redefined their way of creating rock music, without losing the typical elements. The result: another great album from the men around mastermind Josh Homme. A band that is immune against boredom, although personally, I miss the harder days.

#1 Deap Vally – Sistrionix (review)


Two women, one guitar, one drumkit and one hell of a sound. This is not only my personal surprise but also my record of the year. Why? Because there is gospel, because there is soul, because there is rock and, above all, because it sounds authentic, a characteristic that is critically endangered in so-called modern rock music.