Gabelstapler-Klaus kehrt zurück – Jetzt muss der Chef fahren

Whenever the name Jochen Taubert pops up on your screen, kill your TV, burn down your house and run away, don’t even think about saving your children and wife/husband. After I saw the first 30 minutes of Piratenmassaker months ago, I swore on the Bible that I would never ever watch a Taubert movie again …


Fatal Pictures is a Canadian filmmaking team consisting of producer/director Richard Powell and producer Zach Green. Familiar (2012) is their third short after Consumption (2008) and Worm (2010), neither of which I have seen so far but which I am surely going to check out in the future. For now, let us just concentrate on …

Banana Motherfucker

The movie title stands on its own and if you are into fun splatter flicks, you can easily skip the review and just buy the dvd for 4-5 euros HERE. If you are not familiar with the Portuguese independent film crew The Clones (even though this is our third review after Papa Wrestling and BLARGHAAARHGARG!!), …


A long time ago Eric from El Gore reviewed the Portuguese short Papa Wrestling which was quite a surprise for me as I had never heard of the independent production crew Clones before. They immediately got my interest with Papa Wrestling and I decided to follow them in the future. BLARGHAAARHGARG is the group’s second …