Beware of carnivorous condoms in New York! The ravenous little bastards feed off of male genitalia and no one knows what their deal is. The first known case takes us back to the Quicky hotel, where a corrupt teacher took his student to let her “work” her way up to better grades and eventually ended …
Tag Archives: trash
Miami Connection
Last week I finally found some time to watch a movie and while I was thinking about what to watch I came across the Miami Connection trailer. I loved it and still do. There is a 80s rock band (with a pretty front woman) playing, there are motorcycle ninjas, gang fights, there is fire, cocaine …
Trash Monday XCIII
There’s a fool here at El Gore who once thought these guys would become the new ABBA or something alike. He couldn’t have been more wrong, could he? [youtube]
Trash Monday LXXXVIII
Don’t we all miss these talented boybands, nowadays? Isn’t this ART, compared to the likes of One Direction, Miley Cyrus and the whole Beliebers movement? Decide for yourselves! [youtube]
Trash Monday LXXVIII
Ever wondered why no Portuguese woman ever won the “Miss World” award? May these mofos singing about the Portuguese beauty be your answer! [youtube]
Trash Monday LXXVI
You’d expect something a little different from someone who claims they “gonna save the US music industry” on their official website… or maybe you wouldn’t. [youtube]
The Stuff
Finally I got my hands on this classic satirical horror film from 1985 and I have to tell you that I quite liked it. First because it is entertaining and ambitious and secondly because of its social criticism. A lot of B-Movies are ridiculed by reviewers because the financial restrictions, the bad acting and the …
Gabelstapler-Klaus kehrt zurück – Jetzt muss der Chef fahren
Whenever the name Jochen Taubert pops up on your screen, kill your TV, burn down your house and run away, don’t even think about saving your children and wife/husband. After I saw the first 30 minutes of Piratenmassaker months ago, I swore on the Bible that I would never ever watch a Taubert movie again …
Continue reading “Gabelstapler-Klaus kehrt zurück – Jetzt muss der Chef fahren”
Trash Monday LXIII
Quit your job, get yourself a camera and become the next BIG video producer. You’ll get the dough and the bitches, just like Ancient Rome did! Still better than selling Viagra online, I promise! [youtube]
Microwave Massacre
In the whole trash horror movie scene it was at one point very popular to label the movies with quotes like: the worst movie ever done, so bad that it is good , the worst horror movie you have ever seen and stuff like that in order to hope that the flick gets a cult following …