Sublind – Thrashing Delirium

Thrash is dead. Now, I know that’s a dangerous statement, so don’t get me wrong: thrash metal is anything but dead, but even the classic bands have adapted the modern sound that is so commonplace these days…and I guess that’s what happens at some point in the career of most bands. However, there are a …

Childish Gambino – Because The Internet

Today I’m going to write about a genre that I don’t listen to very often, and my last real experiences with it were about twelve years ago with The Marshall Mathers LP. If you haven’t figured it out by now, I’m talking about hip hop…more specifically the second album, Because The Internet, by the American …

Malevolence – Reign Of Suffering

The following review will be quite concise on purpose, since the sound of Malevolence is hard to describe and best enjoyed by simply listening to it. Nevertheless I will try to whet your appetite a bit for their debut album Reign Of Suffering! The sound of the five blokes from Sheffield can best be described …

Rufus Ready – Rufus Ready

It’s about time we got in a review of a national band in the new year, even though technically it dates from mid-July 2013…but better late than never. Rufus Ready is a duo that, with the help of their “imaginary friends”, recorded their eight song strong self-titled debut. They categorize themselves as folk rock and …

The Animal In Me – Who’s Laughing Now

I always try to keep up with new bands and therefor I am subscribed to a channel on YouTube that regularly puts up new videos by newcomers. That’s how I came across The Animal In Me and their song End Of The Road. One thing upfront: after listening to that one song, they managed to …

Trash Monday C

If someone had told me ten years ago that one day Snoop Dogg would change his name and do reggae, I’d have laughed out loud…but it happened. The video below has a certain charm with its Pokémon and Contra homages, but the afore-mentioned fact makes this a perfect number one hundred. [youtube]

Sianvar – Sianvar EP

Initially, my plan was to review the handful of albums that I didn’t get to do last year, either because they came out too late or due to me simply missing their release. However, I did stumble over this little gem which marks a great start into 2014, since it was released on January 5th! …

Top 5 2013 by Yannick

2013 has been a very busy and rewarding year for me…especially in the music department. It’s been my first full year at El Gore and I managed to put out forty-seven reviews, which I’m a bit proud of to be honest, since I absolutely love doing what I do. But since the year is almost …