Thriller-en grym film

With Thriller-en grym film I want to introduce you to the exploitation sub-genre of rape and revenge movies. I have seen a few until now and I got the strong feeling that, after the perverse exploitation of the zombie movie genre, a few people feel the need to do the same with rape and revenge flicks with the remakes of I Spit on Your Grave (2010) and The Last House on the Left (2009) just being two examples.

Thriller-en grym film aka A Cruel Picture or They Call Her One Eye was first shown 1973 in Cannes and probably is best known for being an inspiration for Quentin Tarantino’s character Elle Driver in Kill Bill: „I love Christina Lindberg. And that’s definitely who Daryl Hannah’s character is based on. In the next movie, she’s wearing mostly black. Just like They Call Her One Eye, she’s got some color co-coordinated eye patches. And that is, of all the revenge movies I’ve ever seen, that is definitely the roughest. The roughest revenge movie ever made! There’s never been anything as tough as that movie.“(Tarantino, Q.

I for sure respect Tarantino for his movie knowledge and I agree with him on Thriller but only for the first third of the movie. Thriller, just as most of the rape and revenge flicks, can be divided into three different segments. The beginning is all about the rape. Frigga/Madeleine, sexually abused in her childhood and suffering from traumatic mutism, meets Tony who runs his own junkie brothel. To make sure that the kidnapped girls become mentally and physically dependent on him and his business he turns them into heroin addicts. The rape part is the most controversial one and insanely rough, with violence, heroine abuse and hardcore porn scenes alternating. The shots are very intense and the images are disturbing and sick. The hardcore porn stuff really increases the shock value and main actress, Christina Lindberg, even claimed in an interview that director Bo Arne Vibenius actually used a dead person for the eye-scene which basically is a brutal version of the famous Le Chien Andalous sequence. But believe me there is even more.

Just before this alternation begins to get a bit too monotonous Vibenius switches to the second third of the movie. Changing to a new chapter, with Frigga/Madeleine taking the decision to go on a killing spree which is a good idea in itself but here, ironically the movie starts drifting into mediocrity.

The second part mainly consists in Madeleine/Frigga preparing herself for the revenge. With her saved-up money she takes driving, shooting, martial arts classes and steals some weapons. Personally the movie now loses its shocking unpredictability and becomes a strict follower of the standardized genre movie structure without being innovative at all.

But it even gets worse with the revenge part. Madeleine/Frigga’s killing spree or rather the fighting scenes are boring, with the use of super slow-motion certainly having a strong negative influence on this segment. The fact that she also tries to involve innocent people into car accidents not only make her unsympathetic but also seems to be quite illogical.

To conclude, Thriller isn’t a movie which wants to please. Although the plot seems to be quite trivial and often illogical in a cinematic manner it for sure hasn’t forfeited anything of its effectiveness in the real world, dominated by power, sex and violence. Thriller is strange, brutal, quiet and distressing. The controversy is understandable and Thriller for sure is nothing for “normal” moviegoers. If you want to start getting into the rape and revenge genre I can nevertheless only recommend as it is the figurehead of a whole genre and has paved the way for movies such as Kill Bill, Irréversible, Oldboy and lots of other great flicks.

Wednesday 13 – Spook And Destroy

It’s Halloween! So what better way to celebrate the arguably coolest holiday of the year than listen to some spooky tunes, watch horror movies and have a couple of beers? I’ll try to provide at least the musical part with today’s review: Wednesday 13‘s recently released EP Spook & Destroy!

Wednesday 13, who is known to most for his vocal duties in Murderdolls, has been active for almost two decades now and has amassed quite a respectable library of songs and on this eight song EP he decided to do something special for the long time fans: remake three of his older songs in a more timely fashion. The songs he chose for this are Mr. Motherfucker and Rambo from his former band Frankenstein Drag Queens Of Planet 13‘s album Night Of The Living Drag Queens, as well as Bad Things off his solo record Transylvania 90210: Songs Of Death, Dying, And The Dead. On top of that you have an acoustic version of the song Curse Of Me off Fang Bang and two electro/dubstep remixes of Rambo and Bad Things. Finally, to round it all off you have two completely new songs which are supposed to be a teaser for his next album The Dixie Dead which is scheduled for release in 2013.

But enough basic information, let’s take this thing apart! The production is generally speaking what fans are used to: nothing groundbreaking but just right for the genre, meaning that it won’t distract from the essence of the songs but you won’t have to shield your ears from bad sound either. The same goes for the instrumental division, where the motto has always been “why show off with crazy riffs and drum fills when you can accomplish just as much with simpler stuff”; or at least that’s what I always associate with this type of music. The lyrics have always been mostly horror-themed and nothing has changed here either. But why change something that isn’t broken? I like it.

The new songs, M.F.T.W and Halloween 13-13, are quite cool and I’m definitely looking forward to the rest in 2013 but I hope that there will be a bit more variation. The three remakes are definitely a step-up from their older counterparts and made me rediscover them for all their old goodness. The acoustic song is kind of weird but in a good way…something that you’ll have to listen to several times before you warm up to it. And last but not least come the two remixes…which I, sadly, don’t like at all…but I’m not a fan of remixes in general to begin with.

To conclude, I have to say that this EP is probably more aimed at die-hard W13 fans than new fans but it pretty much gives newcomers an all-around taste of what this guy is all about: fun and enjoyable music. So if you’re curious, check out the song below and visit Wednesday 13‘s Facebook page! And if you liked it: he’s playing in Luxembourg on the 14th of November. Happy Halloween Ghoulies!


Omega/Ravencult – Straight Down In Hell/Deifier Of Necromancy

I finally got to check out the latest Omega offering after having the 7inch lay around for a couple of weeks.
Omega are this awesome Blackened Thrash band from Greece and this is their 2nd official (not counting the demos which were not available to us mere mortals) release. As mentioned above it is a 7inch split single, the other band being Ravencult, also hailing from Greece.

This split is limited to 500 with 100 released as splatter, an inlay has the lyric for each original song (each band plays an original song and a cover).

The Omega song was written in 2007, I would dare say that it also was recorded back then as the vocal style is very different to what can be heard on the LP. Great song akin to an early Bathory sound (mainly due to the traditional Black Metal vocals), songs like Die in Fire or Sacrifice come to mind.

The cover is a Zemial song, fits nicely on this split. Nothing to write home about to be honest.

Ravencult are a band that (at least on this split) sound similar to Omega and early Bathory. The vocals are very generic Black Metal shrieks and screams. I would have probably enjoyed Ravencult better with a different vocalist. Honestly, I bought this split because of Omega and see Ravencult as a bonus. Their Hellhammer cover does not offer anything new either.

All in all a nice addition to my collection. If you are new to Omega check their album out first, then get this split to complete the discography.
The release is limited and to be obtained through a mailorder or ebay, if still available.

Trash Monday XL

This is what comes to my mind whenever I hear that an old band regroups again! Synthie bells and harmonica; what else could a nostalgic heart crave for? Well, as far as I have heard, Debbie Harry is the new face for TENA’s new product spectrum. Geriatrics is the new market niche…

The Wizard

I’ve been into video games for nearly two decades now and I have to admit that I appreciate the good old Nintendo or Super Nintendo console over a Wii or a Play Station 3. This is mostly an emotional decision because (S)NES games always remind me of my great childhood and make me feel like I’m going back in time, caring about nothing but beating a game together with my friends. The heroes of our childhood were all perversely franchised in the nineties. Children were and still are very important customers and this was something Nintendo realized very early. The Wizard from 1989 is a very good example of showing how important kids are as consumers. If you try to watch the movie objectively, you realize very soon that it sucks and this on so many levels, that I don’t know where to start.

The Wizard is a typical 90ies kiddie movie with the adults most of the time behaving like primates on LSD or completely stupid and irresponsible imbeciles. Ok, this also was the case in other genre movies like Home Alone or Home Alone 2, but this time they really overdrew it.

Nick (Christian Slater) is playing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game.

Furthermore, I do agree with people saying that the whole movie is a commercial full of product placement with Nintendo and Universal Studios Hollywood being the most present ones.

Unfortunately people concentrated too much on putting Wolfman, Frankenstein, Mario and the Turtles into the movie that they completely forgot about realism and so the adult society is pictured as an anarchistic, unethical and unmoral Kinderwunderland without any real risks. Always remember kids that it is highly unrecommended to:

  • hitchhike a few hundred miles to get to a Nintendo tournament or to California,
  • look for a ride on a deserted highway,
  • to kidnap your, even younger, autistic brother from an institution,

it also should be nearly impossible to:

  • participate in a Nintendo tournament without your parents accordance,
  • to book a hotel room when you are underage,
  • to find someone who beats you in a game, with a powerglove,
  • find mid-fifties men who challenge you at a video game.

There are not only really bad dialogues and a few problems with the storyline but also other important and less important movie mistakes. I am not going into them now but when you decide to (re)watch the movie you, for sure, are going to discover some. I just want to say that nobody can play a game on NES, when it is turned off:

Ok enough bashing. I talked about this movie to some of my friends. All of them are aware of that flick being bullshit but there is also something different. The Wizard left an important, emotional mark on every 90ies kid. Back in these years children were completely flashed by the movie and all the different games in it (most of them heard for the first time of Super Mario Bros. 3 in the cinema which must have been a really great moment as a kid). The movie was huge and nobody cared about the product placement. Nowadays it is quite different, we are aware of the publicity but what is more important, we still do not care. In the end, even I get nostalgic from time to time and that’s the moment when I rewatch these innocent “childhood movies” (Home Alone, Turtles etc) and simultaneously feel safe and secure. To resume, this movie is really nothing special except for emotional 90ies gamer nerds.

And oh, one last picture:

The Sword – Apocryphon

The Sword are getting mature, a development that lots of people use to lay back and relax a bit. The stoner-metal-heads from Austin, Texas have a quite different view considering matureness. Apocryphon is less thrashy than its predecessors: their stoner-metal is more straightforward, or let’s call it “easier to follow”, but still very agile and filigree, with the songs standing before the concept this time.

Yet, experiments like psychedelic parts, jam-like passages of even electronic intros (Turbowolf’s Let’s Die says hello in the closing song) are still very welcome in The Sword’s sound, which feels like a symbiosis between Age of Winters and Warp Riders, featuring a new drummer who does a considerable job, well harmonising with the bass. For the rest, the familiar stoner songs rotate with those of the metal species, sometimes even combined with a nice portion of blues, as can be heard in The Hidden Masters.

As already mentioned, The Sword displays the “less is more” credo, which especially benefits the stoner lovers amongst the listeners, being supplied with more riffs and less speed (which doesen’t mean at all that they have become “slow” in any way). The quartet of course hasn’t changed into a Kyuss tribute band, or something like this. Classic metal is still omnipresent, call it “Black Sabbath-esque”, or call it “Ozzy-ish”, or whatever The Sword have been compared to since they have shown up, their signature is still kept up.

For those, who love the thrashy parts, Apocryphon may be some kind of disappointment. For those, who are more in favour of stony and groovy metal, this album will be worth a buy.

Recommendations: The Veil Of Isis, Cloak Of Feathers, Apocryphon


In Fear And Faith – In Fear And Faith

In April 2010 I discovered In Fear And Faith at a show and really enjoyed their set, so I talked to them after the show for a while and bought the two CDs they had put out at the time. However, they told me that they were about to release a new album called Imperial in June, so I decided to pre-order it on a whim. To make it short: I was overwhelmed by the progression they made to their previous record Your World On Fire and I listened to it repeatedly over the course of many months. Then as time went by the band underwent several changes and I was worried what might happen to them…my worry was completely unfounded since their newest self-titled release blew me away even harder.

A bit of an introduction: it’s a concept album about the survivor of a nuclear apocalypse who is the only one to be able to breathe without a mask, which evokes feelings of loneliness and self-questioning in him. He then travels through the devastated lands and is plagued by nightmares and such. This whole journey is wonderfully underlaid with different musical aspects, many of which gave me severe chills; in the best way possible.

The first thing you’ll notice if you’re not familiar with the band is that they have a lot of piano (not keyboard) parts and that the other “modern” instruments support the “classical” instrument, rather than the other way around, which is something rather unique to the genre in my opinion. This also gives each and every song a symphonic and epic touch but to a degree where it doesn’t overload your senses: you can listen to it without having to focus one hundred percent on every little detail and still be engulfed by the twelve songs.

Aside from the simply fantastic piano play, the guitars also stand out really well and give the whole thing the perfect amount of heaviness. There are a handful of riffs that leave my mouth wide open whenever I hear them because they’re not only perfectly written but are also used at the perfect moments. To top it all off: they exactly hit my taste in tuning and production…a true treat. Due to my apparent inability to track down a bass line in music in general I can’t really comment on it too much, but in the few instances where the bass guitar is clearly audible I enjoyed it thoroughly since it complements the drums perfectly.

Which brings me to one of the biggest “wow”-factors of these forty-four minutes of goodness: the drumming. First of all, I’m absolutely in love with the way they sound: even though slightly over-triggered it exactly hits the spot for me. Secondly, the double bass play is just phenomenal and makes me automatically try to tap my feet along to it…needless to say I don’t quite succeed. Last but not least is the general rhythm that the drums have to them which exactly fits the vibe of the other instruments.

The other big selling point on this CD are the vocals, especially more so if you know a bit about their back-story. Quick sum-up: on the previous three records IFAF always had two singers who split clean and unclean vocal duties. In late 2010 they were only left with one, the clean singer, and the future was uncertain for a while…in 2011 however it was revealed that he was taking over screaming duties as well. My first reaction was mixed since he has a very clean and soft singing voice but on their Symphonies EP I was proven wrong. In the year that has passed his screams have improved further and he has even surpassed his former co-singer, in my opinion. The icing on the cake is a guest appearance by We Came As Romans singer Dave Stephens on the song The Calm Before Reform.

All in all, it’s quite safe for me to say that this album is a very strong rival to my current number 1 record of 2012 by Pierce The Veil, and it might even surpass it in due time. Ironically both bands hail from San Diego, California. I strongly recommend that you check it out for yourself and I hope you enjoy it even half as much as I do. More information can be found on the band’s Facebook page and a little taste can be heard below.


John Coffey – Bright Companions

A little hardcore/punk bastard entered my room, entered my turntable, entered my brain and left everything in a complete disaster. This dog’s teeth are sharp like razor blades. This John Coffey would surely have crushed that god damn rat with just one hand. Bright Companions was recorded in Sweden’s famous Gröndahl studio by Refused producer Pelle Gunnerfeldt, and it surely has benefited from this. The album combines screamo/hardcore attacks with some party punk parts, making many hooks extremely playful and fun to hear, hard rock riffs included.

Tunes like Me vs. I are those kinds of songs you just expect first when entering some sordid whiskey bar in the Netherlands. The guys from Utrecht really have a good feeling about sing-along refrains and kick-ass riffs. No matter how often you may have heard things like these, those Dutchman know how to make you listen to it for the one millionth time. Oh, oh Calamity ends with a melancholic farewell melody after the omnipresent vocals have raped you for nearly four minutes, children chant (from Gunnerfeldt’s own children) attracts your attention before Johnny Boy kicks in the door, punching you in the face once again while opening Featherless Redheads.

Lot’s of 90s in here too, say hello to The Offspring and Refused, but the foreground features way more John Coffey than any of the bands used for comparison. Or to put it differently: this Dutch bastard is way more likely to wear leather jackets than the boys from Sweden or California.

By the way, do song titles like I’ve Got A Bastard Virus I don’t Even Know Where It Came From even need any more comments? It has already been written, but beware of these vocals, the more you progress the more they will eat your ears. This album has got no bouncer songs; it is a bouncer album in its whole. Press the STOP button, spit some blood, and press the PLAY button again.

Recommendations: Me vs. I, Featherless Redheads, Romans

Down – Diary Of A Mad Band

Ok, so Down are playing in Luxembourg this month and I decided to give this band another chance to win me over. Having been a Pantera and Corrosion of Conformity fan since the early/mid 90s I did not exactly find out about the band recently, in fact I knew the first album by heart before I even bought it, thanks to my older brother who owned it.

Down are one of those bands that, while not crap, they only succeeded because of the “all-star” lineup, and sadly in this case Phil Anselmo. I do not hate Phil, let’s get that out of the way, I just do not think that he is anything special once he steps out of the Pantera shadow. He is great at screaming, with a passion I might add, but once he tries to sing he is just another singer. Another thing I never can get past is his big mouth. Phil is a simple guy and writes very flat lyrics. This badly shows in a genre that has many talented lyricists writing Lovecraftian lyrics or concept albums about life and death. Phil comes along with his redneck attitude and mindset.

However, the biggest disappointment for me is Pepper. Being a fan of Corrosion of Conformity and their riff-rock/stoner albums, nowhere does Pepper come close to the C.O.C. Material. The riffs are flat, blues-tinged rock that we have heard a thousand times already.

The band does have some great songs though, but every album has just as many filler material. This live album was recorded while the band was touring their second record and that is already the biggest plus as I hate the third record. The set comprises 2 Cds and 1 Dvd. The biggest plus is….well the set isn’t expensive. Yup, that is it, nothing else to say about it.

Now on to the negative stuff! The Dvd is footage of the band playing synched to the audio of a different show. At times the band is playing something completely different than what you are hearing/seeing. Seeing Pepper playing power chords while hearing him play a solo and so on. Phil is Phil, slurring his way through sentences, not leaving behind anything worth remembering. Pretty sad to see him like this. I can’t help but wonder why him and Zakk Wylde haven’t formed a band yet. Also the Dvd is not a full show, so at no time do you get the concert experience. The same can be said about the 2 Cds, a song plays then Phil dedicates it to someone and that is it. Just boring. The booklet is an insult. You have 1 band pic spread over the 2 inner pages showing the band on stage….from behind.That is right, you see their backs! No info, nothing. The tracklist is pretty solid as they do play the hits and best songs from the first 2 albums.

For fans only, but even many of those complained about the cheap cash-in. Remember, it was released by Roadrunner so it is not like they ran out of money. Release crap quality releases and then wonder why your sales are declining…