Top 5 2012 by Dave

Sadly I do not feel the same as my buddies, to me 2012 was rather boring. Sure there was enough out there to keep you from throwing yourself into a volcano, however, the mere fact that some porn parodies were more entertaining than actual big budget movies should leave you speechless. Musicwise I bought a …

One year of El Gore and the winner of our big number two

Yup, you read that correctly. 366 days ago we published our first review and since then we’ve published a total of 41 movie reviews and 53 music reviews. We’ve also reported from the Food For Your Senses festival and the 10th anniversary concert of the EMF. 2012 has also seen the addition of three new …

EMF 10th Anniversary Concert

Last Saturday the El Gore team went on a little trip to the west of the country; to be more precise to Folschette where the E.M.F., short for Éisleker Metal Frënn, held a big concert for their ten year existence. The five of us arrived a bit before 4PM and were greeted with our backstage …

El Gore competition, the big number two

Yesterday the El Gore team has spent the entire day at the 10th Anniversary of the EMF. Reviews and a video will of course follow soon, but meanwhile we want to give you, our readers, something back for your continued support. Therefor we bothered all of the bands at the show for their autographs and …