First of all: I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing here. Second: if you want to send me complaints or threatening mails, this Trash Monday contribution was kindly submitted by @PitWenkin via Twitter. Third: we really have to organise a garage party any time soon.
The Human Centipede (First Sequence)
A week ago I went to the Netherlands for a few days and as always I combined this wonderful trip (thanks to Denis, Tanja, Marc and Frantz for the great time) with upgrading my DVD collection. Buying movies during my vacation has become something like a ritual and I always want to profit from the Dutch openness, progressiveness and liberalism towards uncut and hard-to-get controversial cinema. I really dig DVD shops and it is a great opportunity for me to rummage around in shelves full of crazy stuff with the security that nearly everything I find is uncensored.
Back when I first read about The Human Centipede (on Bloody until today it never really got my attention, probably because I do not like modern horror flicks but as I found it for only 10 Euros in a real nice shop, I decided to give it a try.
So what can I say? Human Centipede is a movie where nothing really happens. Director Six explained that the inspiration for the movie came from the well-known Nazi experiments during WWII and a joke he made about what to do with child molesters. Although I plead for pedophilia being a psychic medical condition and you cannot hold the people suffering from it 100% responsible for their actions (neither should you ignore basic human rights), I consider this main idea a quite interesting one with a lot of potential. Unfortunately the essential plot is already over after half of the movie.
When I look back I think that the movie has exactly become the opposite of what it intended to be in the first place. Human Centipede is a lethargic cinematic adaption of a perverse but genius idea, characterized by incredibly bad actors and unintentional comedy. It is in no way shocking nor disgusting (please, just because there is a woman eating shit we still do not need a Salò comparison) but rather an anti-climatic and illogical pseudo-scandalous arthouse flick. I am really OK with psychological horror stuff without any blood and gore (in fact the original Funny Games is one of my all-time favorite movies) but come on: you still have to keep it interesting in some way.
Beside the developable story being one main negative aspect (maybe a short, 30 minutes, movie would have worked), the actors complete the weakness of the film. There are around 10 “actors” in the movie. Three of them are building the human centipede with two women having sewed their mouths to anuses. The third part of the centipede is a Japanese tourist who is screaming all the time in his mother-tongue, that’s all for the acting over here.
Most people agree on Laser doing a fantastic job playing a well-known, retired surgeon who seems a bit out of his mind. I have to disagree on this point, the Dr. Heiter character is a completely over-stylized, unintentional comical mad scientist version of Dr. Joseph Mengele and Dr. Herbert West, a complete no-go, an incredible farce. The other 6 actors are not even worth mentioning.
This movie simply doesn’t work on so many levels and the worst is that, without expecting anything from the beginning on, I am even a bit disappointed. The Human Centipede (First Sequence) sucks asses (got it?).
Slipknot – Vol. 3: (The Subliminal Verses)
In one of my previous reviews I said that I’d probably do another one like it, meaning that I’ll talk about the album and mix it with a bit of personal history. Since this is my tenth contribution I figured this would be a good time to do so. Which is why I’ve decided to review a record that awakened my musical hunger, which to this day luckily hasn’t been stilled, and made me really relate to it as well.
Even though I started listening a lot to bands like Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit and Bloodhoung Gang around the age of thirteen, I was never really into metal since I just hadn’t found the right thing. Then at sixteen a classmate, who happens to write for El Gore as well, introduced me to bands like Megadeth, Exodus and the likes…the stepping stone for a large musical evolution had been laid. In 2004 however an online friend sent me a new song, Don’t Get Close, by Slipknot and I couldn’t stop listening to it (fyi: the song ended up becoming a b-side). Even though I had known the band before and actually enjoyed a song or two by them, I wasn’t really into them since my taste was still elsewhere. But now, for the first time in my life I was anxiously awaiting the release of an album: Vol. 3: (The Subliminal Verses). It wasn’t until May 25th of that same year that I finally held it in my hands and listened to it non-stop. I’m not kidding when I say that by the way…I literally listened to the album at least five times a day over a period of almost nine months in a row.
Enough about me; let’s get down to business…well kind of. The 3rd album, ignoring Mate.Feed.Kill.Repeat., by the nine masked Iowans was produced by Rick Rubin and recorded in his notorious Mansion in L.A.. I’m not sure whether it is due to the change of producer, from Ross Robinson to Rubin, or due to the various side projects the band had during their hiatus between Iowa and this album but the difference of the sound can already be noticed after the first note of the intro. Even though I thoroughly enjoy the two predecessor albums, Iowa and Slipknot, this one just finds the perfect mix between heaviness and melodic parts. The production has gone through a similar change and, at least to me, this is their best sounding album.
The fourteen songs pretty much cover every aspect of Slipknot‘s sound, that fans have grown to love, and introduce new touches such as the marching percussion on The Blister Exists and The Nameless. Then there’s two ballads that were a big surprise when the album first came out; especially to people who didn’t know about the singer’s other band Stone Sour who released a ballad as a single the previous year. The thing that strikes me the most is that every single song has at least one highlight that will make you remember it.
The vocals are, as is tradition with Corey Taylor, flawless and in some parts quite creepy but in a way that you just get sucked into the song’s atmosphere even quicker. The prime example for this is the song Vermilion, which is about a stalker that follows a girl around…or at least thinks he does. Just listen to it and you’ll see what I mean. The choruses on the album are, I’d say, among the best ones that Slipknot have ever written and you’ll be chanting them along faster than you can say the album’s title three times in a row. The lyrics are filled with metaphors and less common words which I tried to figure out for ages.
All in all, this is definitely my favorite Slipknot album for a couple of reasons: first of all because it’s the album that got all of it started for me. Secondly because it’s just so diverse and well-written, ranging from neck-breaking headbang parts to goose bump inducing passages. And last but not least because it put the band, who had been written off prior to this release, back on the map with a bang. It’s pretty safe to say that this record will remain in my top 3 albums of all time until the day I die. Go ahead and check out the song below, which actually won them an Emmy, and their Facebook page.
Morbus Chron – A Saunter Through The Shroud
Morbus Chron formed in 2007 and released one demo (not counting the very first demo tape that was limited to a single copy), two Eps and a full-length album. They also appeared on the, now cult, Resurrected In Festering Slime compilation.
A Saunter Through The Shroud is their second EP and their first release since the album Sleepers In The Rift and shows a different side of the band. The three songs are much more progressive than their other material. What I mean by that is that the band added many new layers to their old school Swedish Death Metal. I can not help but think of Possessed’s Beyond The Gates as an influence. Both albums were truly a step-up for both bands, showing a much more progressive musical structure based on an interplay between brutality and eerie atmosphere. Also, both albums showed both bands at their musical peak, meaning riff upon riff upon riff kicking your teeth out of place. Another band that seems to have influenced Morbus Chron are Pestilence. Especially the vocals show a Martin van Drunen-esque influence. Robba has a raspy, throaty voice and sounds as despaired as van Drunen himself when screaming those horrid lyrics.
I will not review the songs individually as there are only three songs. Let me just say that those three songs are, in my opinion, among the best five songs Morbus Chron have ever released this far.
The EP is only available on vinyl on black vinyl limited to 700 copies, a limited volcanic red version limited to 200 copies available at and a electric red version limited to 100 copies available at
This is a must-have!
Trash Monday XXVIII
To many this might come as a surprise, since the band is well-known and the music certainly isn’t crap, however, you had to live it to understand why I pick this vid.
I do not quite remember when I saw it, I think it was 1997 or early 1998. My older brother taped some „Metal“ show on Viva (probably Metalla) and this beauty aired. Back then Burzum was already one of my favourite bands, so imagine my face when I heard the first notes of Dunkelheit to cheap computer effects (used very loosely).
Just watch the video, it has nothing to do with the lyrical content of the song and had absolutely no involvement from Varg, who was incarcerated. Heck, Varg didn’t even have any involvement on how Filosofem was released and has stated in interviews (while in prison) that he had never heard the finished product.
So who was responsible for this bad acid trip?? David Palser! Never heard of him? He is also responsible for the Immortal Masters of Nebulah Frost VHS. Nuff said!
Brutal Relax
When I organize a typical (el) gore/horror movie night I usually start with the amazing Staplerfahrer Klaus in order to create the right atmosphere from the beginning. Since a few weeks this classic short found its coequal “opponent” called Brutal Relax.
In the same way as the movie title does not make any sense, the movie as a whole is completely preposterous but outrageously entertaining and I still have to admit that I did not like it when I saw it the first time. This has most definitely something to do with the aqua mummy zombies with whom I still have a problem but which now has become less dominant. But also because of the CGI effects (No, I won’t write about them because I already have done this in a lot of other reviews.)
When it comes to short movies in general there’s most of the time a positive and a negative aspect. First they are short (oooh really??). Yup, and I like that. There is nothing as annoying as a three hour long pseudo arty farty bullshit movie. A movie should be like honest grindcore and not like a fucking pathetic post-rock song. The problem is that there are only a few good gore shorties around. It seems that most directors are not able to focus and to create something really interesting with a high recognition value in only a few minutes. If I had to compare the short horror/splatter genre to music, I would call most directors John Petrucci wannabes trying to write songs for Anal Cunt. A comparison that doesn’t apply at all to Brutal Relax.
Back to the topic. The Spanish flick can be dissected in three parts and two of them ooze with blood. The first one explains the “plot” and is kept quite short with 3 minutes and a half. A Frisbee in a head initiates part two with zombies fighting, biting, dismembering, and drowning bathers. Part three is initiated by a walkman and malfunctioning batteries which makes Mr Olivares (I like the main character very much and he’s surprisingly well put across by José María Angorrilla) really angry. He then starts an overkill that reminds me of a Spanish Bud Spencer on speed and cloud nine.
Overall, the three directors, Adrián Cardona, Rafa Dengrá and David Muñoz did a really good job. For an independent movie there are not only amazingly innovative ideas but they most of the time are made in a very professional way. The camera work (especially in the second part) reminds me of Anthony Dod Mantle’s work from the 28 Days Later flick. Perhaps a homage but I guess that the decision also was made in order to cover up mistakes. In fact I do not care; thumbs up guys and keep up the great work. I am really looking forward to seeing more stuff from these three directors.
Pierce The Veil – Collide With The Sky
In October 2011 I went to see a show specifically for the opening band and they were worth every cent I paid. That band was Pierce The Veil from San Diego. Their by then already one year old record Selfish Machines had simply impressed me so much that I could not have missed that opportunity even if I had wanted to. I remember talking to their singer, Vic, back then and asking him about plans for a new record and he told me that they’d been working on some killer tracks and were supposed to go into the studio in early 2012. Fast forward seven months and there you have it: Collide With The Sky.
The band jokingly describes the genre they play as “mexicore” which is due to the fact that the Fuentes brothers, the singer and the drummer, are of Mexican descent and because they have many metalcore elements in their sound. However they are not your run off the mill core band that have released a good song or two and simply rely on their fanbase after that. No sir, to me the reason for their success is the purely amazing songwriting that they’ve proven ever since their debut album A Flair For The Dramatic. They seemingly manage to come up with melodies that have earworm-potential all the time.
This new twelve song album is no different because it gripped me from the second I put it on and hasn’t really left my eardrums since. The sound is very similar to the predecessor but that is a very good thing since I thoroughly enjoyed it for its clean and powerful production. One thing you’ll notice though if you compare the two records is that PTV have cranked up the heaviness knob quite a bit; which is another thing that I cannot complain about, at all.
The “riffage” is as usual on a very high level as well and even after the umpteenth time of listening through the whole record I’m still impressed. A lot of times I thought to myself that they sound like something a Mariachi band would play if they tuned their guitars to drop D and turned up the distortion. Might come across as negative but I personally love it: it’s simply an interesting mix of two very different genres.
The vocals might be the one thing that could scare people away at first because they’re very high-pitched and I’ve often gotten surprised looks when I told people that the singer is a guy. As for me: I’ve had the same reaction when I started listening to the band but I’ve since grown to admire his vocal range. You’ll just have to make up your own mind about it. Another thing that should be noted is that you should definitely pay attention to the lyrics since that’s another one of the band’s talents. Even though at first they all seem to have one thing in common, which is girls and problems related to them, they all have a deeper meaning and are a great read.
To round the whole record off the guys have gotten a couple of guest vocalists: Kellin Quinn of Sleeping With Sirens, Jason Butler of letlive. and Lindsay Stamey of Oh No Fiasco. I don’t want to lean myself too far out of the window but I doubt that any of them will ever regret lending their talents since all three songs they’ve performed on have come out phenomenal. Especially Tangled In The Great Escape with Jason Butler is probably my favorite song on the entire CD.
As you might have noticed I have not found any negative points about Pierce The Veil‘s latest endeavor and that is actually easily explained: to me it’s just the best album of 2012, at least thus far. There are still a few releases I’m looking forward to this year but those bands will have to work hard to convince me of the contrary. As always it’s of course best to make up your own mind about that which you can do by checking the video below and visiting their Facebook page for more info.
Holy Mountain – Earth Measures LP
A little more than 30 minutes of power, that’s what Holy Mountain created with their first full length Earth Measures LP.
Power can be released in different ways or appear in various shapes. Gunner, the opener, assumes a fast and dirty rock party right from the beginning, but the three Scotsmen curb the speed without losing a single bit of thrust, which results in a very doomy way of playing stoner rock.
Although slightly underproduced, the drums do a good job, however, it is the brutal bass and the merciless guitar who give a soul to this work. Very classic riffs refine the overall listening experience – it is difficult to classify Earth Measures, who powers our ears with 8 minute doom eruptions, with short stoner rock flashes or with 70s riffs. Vigorous atmosphere guaranteed.
There are in fact many bands nowadays that sound, or that want to sound like the classic formations of the 70s. The challenge is to stay fresh and authentic; a very dangerous balancing act while trying to climb this holy mountain, but this trio succeeds.
Vocals sometimes aren’t needed at all, but the moment they appear, you should be ready for really trashy and still stoner cawing from hell. Missing comparisons to other bands? Here we go: this is like Kyuss meeting Black Sabbath meeting The Melvins, and the other way round. Boredom? No chance!
Did I forget something? Oh yeah, you may also find sludgy, psychedelic and groovy parts in this half an hour mustang trip. It’s getting deeper and deeper the more you listen to it, unfortunately a bit monotone from time to time. Forgivable! This is nothing “new”, though there also is no intention to be “new”. The rocket is fueled, let’s go to Scotland!
Recommendations: Gunner, Kegs, Silent Hawk
Trash Monday XXVII
Those of you who remember my last Trash Monday post know where my trash taste comes from. Here’s another prime example of it…Gil. A German copy of Hanson that did indeed have a couple of catchy tunes but was pretty much forgotten in the turn of the millenium.
Untypically for Trash Monday I have to point out that the guy sings in a new band these days which actually makes quite enjoyable music. Check them out.
We have all had the same experience before: a movie that gets hyped up so much by your friends that it can only end up being a huge disappointment. Stories of people getting sick while watching the movie and other highly exaggerated stories that have tempted us to go and see movies time and time again only to leave you shrugging and thinking to yourself, it wasn’t that brutal.
This very same experience was one I had after watching Ex-Drummer only with one exception, the movie didn’t totally suck. It’s a weird roller coaster ride of laughing your ass off and shaking your head at the either totally absurd or disturbing images you’ve just witnessed.
Just think of the most disturbing and dirtiest jokes about sex, big cocks, gays, disabled people and rock music all wrapped into one weirdly entertaining movie with moments of cinematic brilliance that remind you of David Lynch’s work or movies like Fight Club. Though this movie isn’t all laughs, in fact everything goes horribly wrong for the protagonists in that movie.
This movie is about 3 disabled losers looking for a drummer to complete their band, which they think they’ve found in the famous author Dries, who also has one handicap: he can’t play drums.
Dries stands in total contrast to the other 3 main characters as he’s a highly intelligent, very successful book author living in his penthouse which makes him look like a god looking down on the scum of the earth. Dries does end up agreeing to form a band with the 3 lowlifes and they decide to call themselves “The Feminists”, as according to them 4 disabled musicians have as much right to exist as a bunch of feminist women.
They plan to enter a rock contest in Ostende and show of their songwriting skills, but encounter the lead singer of another contesting band “Dekke Lul”, which would be translated into “big cock”, who threatens to fight them for playing a song that has the same title as one that he wrote.
All along the story you see that Dries is slowly manipulating the others, playing with them until everything goes to shit.
I will not get much more into the details of the story or the characters as to not spoil the experience for you.
What made the movie entertaining for me was the brilliant use of rock and punk music and a few cinematic choices, like having the lead singer in his own house always seem to be walking on the ceiling, that give the movie a very cool but creepy atmosphere.
This is not a movie for the lighthearted as the themes depicted in this movie range from rape, to child molestation to dismemberment. If this isn’t a problem for you, then you should definitely check out this weird entertaining roller coaster ride of a movie.
This review was written by our freelancer Jeff.