Wrong (2012) is a movie written and directed by French musician, director, writer, cinematographer Quentin Dupieux better known as Mr. Oizo. I’ll be honest with you, I am neither a fan of Mr. Oizo, nor did I enjoy the predecessor movie Rubber. Therefor it is no wonder that I had absolutely no expectations when it …
Author Archives: Luc
Banana Motherfucker
The movie title stands on its own and if you are into fun splatter flicks, you can easily skip the review and just buy the dvd for 4-5 euros HERE. If you are not familiar with the Portuguese independent film crew The Clones (even though this is our third review after Papa Wrestling and BLARGHAAARHGARG!!), …
A long time ago Eric from El Gore reviewed the Portuguese short Papa Wrestling which was quite a surprise for me as I had never heard of the independent production crew Clones before. They immediately got my interest with Papa Wrestling and I decided to follow them in the future. BLARGHAAARHGARG is the group’s second …
Interview with Gordon Bressack
This interview is something really special for me. As a ’90s kid I grew up with some of the best cartoons ever. If you were born in the ’80s, I am sure you know what I am talking about. My interview partner is, without knowing, jointly responsible for what I have become as an adult …
Trash Monday LVI
Hammerfall helped the Swedish national curling team to prepare for the great battle in 2006, also known as the XX Olympic Winter Games which were held in Turin. Having this video up the sleeve it is completely logical that the Swedish women won the gold medal and curling eclipsed ice hockey and figure skating during …
Independent filmmaker James Cullen Bressack‘s latest movie HATE CRIME was quite difficult to review for me. To be straightforward with you, James and his movie want to provoke, which sometimes works really well but unfortunately also fails quite a few times. To give you an idea of what we are talking about here: HATE CRIME is …
Hey guys, did you ever wonder what happens when your girlfriend isn’t in the mood for sex and the only way to release pressure is to fap in your bath tub? Director Bobby Miller has the answer: “Paul jerked off in the shower. Paul just impregnated his bath tub.” Yes you heard right, today’s short movie …
SunnO))) live at Astra Kulturhaus Berlin
I was looking forward to attending a SunnO))) gig for the past three years now. Last Sunday I got the opportunity to see them again as they were the closing act for the Transmediale festival in Berlin and they did not disappoint me. In fact, SunnO))) is the single best live act who has ever …
Teddy: It’s Gonna Be a Bear
I was born in the mid 80ies and so, logically the first slasher movie I saw was Scream 1. In addition I have to admit that I, as a big horror fan, have never seen a Nightmare On Elm Street movie (shame on me) and the interest in Halloween just came recently. In fact, I …
Microwave Massacre
In the whole trash horror movie scene it was at one point very popular to label the movies with quotes like: the worst movie ever done, so bad that it is good , the worst horror movie you have ever seen and stuff like that in order to hope that the flick gets a cult following …