California X – California X

Alternative “indie” music has become as interesting as a super cool guy bungee jumping because a known energy drink company is sponsoring it. Just face it. Or don’t accept this opinion.

So what’s the problem with all you Beady Eyes and Kings of Leons and all you super-nice-but-officially-total-bad-ass-guys-Billboard rock bands? Well, if you ask me, you just don’t have enough nuts anymore. Not enough nuts to sound dirty, to be imperfect, in short to be like California X. The four Americans deliver an easy-going, fresh, rocking and authentic debut, that just makes you say “yes!” at any moment.

“Yes” to messy sounds, “yes” to jarring lyrics and “yes” to more distortion. Dinosaur Jr. will be proud, that’s for sure. Some people may call it grunge, others a heavier or even a sludge version of The Offspring’s Americana. I just call it a refreshing debut with nothing but fun having priority. And when the fun is over we can take care of superficialities, or of how we could diss another band because their music isn’t as cool as ours. Stay young enough to behave adultly seems to have become the only way to bring out albums that sound like music that was wanted to be done, and not that had to be done.

Even though monotony seems to slip in from time to time, the record length of 34 minutes is just perfect, and the sun loving rhythm doesn’t give a reason to be unsatisfied in the end. If you can’t reinvent the wheel, then you have to make it sound like you don’t care anyways, and that’s just what California X do. Less is more these days. You don’t need Armani sunglasses to contribute to someone’s personal favourite soundtrack of the coming summer.

Recommendations: Sucker, Spider X, Spirit World.

Fist Of Jesus

What would you expect from a 15 minute movie Fernando Alle (from the almighty The Clones) recommended you and which was directed by David Muñoz and Adrián Cardona, the same crazy dudes who did Brutal Relax (read my review here)? There is only one logical answer to this question: Fist Of Jesus. A ultra-violent Peter Jackson (the Braindead/Bad Taste/Meet The Feebles era) reboot version of Monty Python‘s Life of Brian. That’s all, basically.

Nonetheless here is a personal synopsis: Jesus, who speaks Spanish perfectly (!) talks big and in addition promises Jacob to raise the latter’s son Lazarus from the dead. You can imagine what happens next, can you? Jesus manages to bring Lazarus back but something went wrong and the saviour and his loyal companion Judas suddenly have to face an army of guards, residents and cowboys (!!!!!!) who all start behaving abnormally and only have their assuage of appetite in mind. As Judas’ emotions begin to run riot, he decides that he can’t live with the terrible guilt anymore and hangs himself. Jesus resurrects Judas, unfortunately he has to try it twice (as the latter is still hanging from a tree) and convinces him to fight the armies together, with all kind of different fish.

I read on the official homepage that the crew plans on doing a Fist of Jesus feature film called Once Upon A Time In Jerusalem (you can donate here). I think that  Fist of Jesus works perfectly as a short movie but I also have the apprehension that the topic doesn’t offer enough material for a feature. It is the same as with the fake trailers. In the last few years we had incredible good ones (Machete, Hobo With A Shotgun etc.) whereas the full-length movies were disappointing. Nevertheless I wish the crew all the best and it would be great if they could prove me wrong and make a great movie out of the brilliant Fist of Jesus.

Watch the movie here:

Bring Me The Horizon – Sempiternal

Today’s band needs to introduction since they are widely popular, so I’ll skip that part. The story of the record, however, deserves a small explanation: Bring Me The Horizon were supposed to release their fourth full album Sempiternal on April 29th but it leaked in its entirety in late February. What could have been the worst thing to ever happen to the band turned out to be quite a blessing, since the general reactions were very positive. Encouraged by this, the band pushed the release forward to April 1st and offered a one week-long listening period of a legal stream on their website. So before I give you my two cents on the album, I urge you to buy it, if you dig it.

From the first second onward you will immediately notice that there has been a change in the sound of BMTH: keyboards and synthesizers are now used as a main instrument. This addition might seem (and sound) weird at first but don’t let it scare you off: it’s perfectly used and the eleven songs still sound like Bring Me.

The keyboards actually add a layer of versatility and freshness to the band’s sound even though it wasn’t necessary since the predecessor, with the freakishly long name, There Is A Hell Believe Me I’ve Seen It. There Is A Heaven Let’s Keep It A Secret. was already diverse enough, at least for my taste. But there’s no point in comparing the two records since this one is just on a whole new level of awesomeness, for lack of a better word. Side-note: the guitar and drum sound hasn’t been changed much and remains at its usual height.

The thing that struck me the most on my first listening though were the vocals. On more than one occasion I thought to myself “oh, look: guest vocals”…when that same thought came again a song later, and then again on the next one, I became suspicious and paid closer attention: it’s all the same guy. Now, you must know that I dig Oli Skyes’ vocals on all of the band’s previous work, but I wasn’t prepared for this huge improvement! His clean vocals just stand out so much that they still give me shivers every now and then on certain songs. But enough of that, since the lyrics are another very interesting factor of these forty-six minutes. The general theme is a mix between happiness and sadness, which is nicely reflected by the instrumental ensemble, but I’ll let you discover the different aspects yourself.

All in all, I have to say that Bring Me The Horizon have outdone themselves on this one and that Sempiternal has definitely entered my, still young, top five albums list of 2013. If you’re a fan of the band you should not miss out on this, and if you’re a hater of the band…give it a go: it might change your opinion of them. For more information, you can find the band on Facebook and to get an idea of their new sound, check out the song below!


Nai Harvest – Whatever

What is probably worse than not having a new attire for next summer? Yup, you got it, not having a soundtrack for next summer, the one steady companion for your drives to the beach or to the lake, like we do here in Luxembourg. I was worried that I would not have a cool record for this year as Wavves‘ King of the beach was growing old on me and the time was right to discover something new and fresh.

Fortunately enough, Lauren from Inception Press was kind enough to provide us with new material; this time with Sheffield’s noodly emo-punk duo Nai Harvest‘s newest release Whatever and I must say that this record’s got enough potential to become my new favourite record for the next weeks.

The opening track Whatever is a nice mix between mathy riffs and a cool apathic punk rock attitude. The vocals are everything but polished or clean but that’s what makes this band remarkably pleasant.

Floor‘s carelessness totally kicks in from the very beginning. Following the same scheme as on the first track, the track varies from a cocky beginning to a jolty drum part that is clumsy and awesome, it kinda reminds me if Blink 182 had sex with Born Ruffians, with the result being Nai Harvest.

One of my favourite tracks is Distance, etc., because it best reflects the band’s identity; which is simple, uncompromising music freshened up with a brazen attitude. Nai Harvest haven’t reinvented this famous wheel everyone’s talking about when it comes to music but they surely have their own sound and identity.

The only downside is that a lot of songs have the same structure, which is kind of a pity; as the album tends to get too repetitive but with a total playtime of 28 minutes, Whatever is just the right intermezzo between a depressive winter with lots of melancholic music and a hormone-pumped summer with too much electro and STDs and what do I know…

There might be people moaning about the band’s musical perfomance being too banal, simple or rough; but I honestly prefer to party with these guys on stage than having a wank while listening to Dream Theater. It’s all about taking the right decisions, eh?



Trash Monday LX

Hip hop is dead. No; seriously guys and gals, it really is. Germany was once highly valued for its writers and thinkers but was quickly invaded by brainless sumo-zombies from planet Hippolderaan, spreading dumpishness throughout the whole republic. So much for the YOLO-caust, I guess…

(*hint* eloquence attack at 2:04 *hint* )



Fatal Pictures is a Canadian filmmaking team consisting of producer/director Richard Powell and producer Zach Green. Familiar (2012) is their third short after Consumption (2008) and Worm (2010), neither of which I have seen so far but which I am surely going to check out in the future. For now, let us just concentrate on their most recent output.

The 24 minutes short flick is about middle-aged John Dodd (Robert Nolan) who is pretty upset, disgusted and bored with his life and role as a family man. Being a husband and father gives a lot of men a sense of security, which is not the case for Dodd, who feels stuck and despises his wife. In addition he is counting the days until his daughter is old enough to leave for college so he can be free of his family. Unfortunately for him, events don’t turn out as he imagined and the man, who tried to get his life under control, starts suspecting the negative impulses plaguing his mind may not be his own.

There are 3 main aspects which hold Familiar together and set it apart from other, moderate, or even really good short movies. First of all, and beyond all doubt, there is Nolan‘s incredible acting performance. I surely give credits to Powell for the well-written dialogues between the main character and his mind but it in the end it is Nolan who conducts these “conversations”. The switch between the “conversations” and the actual actions is never getting boring, nor superfluous or unnatural. Nolan’s acting is responsible for the weird feeling I felt throughout the whole movie. He did an amazing job!

Second, there is the work of director of photography Michael Jari Davidson and especially the Butcher Shop special effect team. Familiar is not a brutal, bloody flick per se but the team did a fantastic job at creating the physical monster growing inside Nolan. The movie has this strong Cronenberg touch and the FX team, which to be honest was my biggest fear, didn’t fuck it up but rather up the ante. The interplay of the film aesthetics, the acting and the special effects works perfectly.

Third aspect to be mentioned is the incredible turn of the movie and its smooth transition. It’s not that the turn can’t be foreseen in some way or another, but believe me when I say that it is going to be heavier as you may think. Whereas a lot of movies lose in authenticity by introducing a physical monster, Powell was able to maintain and even reinforce the specific cinematic atmosphere dominated by disease and disaster. I am sure that a lot of people made up their own interpretation of the ending and so did I but I won’t share it with you. Instead I strongly urge you to watch it!


In The Name Of – This Will All Make Sense Soon

Today’s review needs a little introduction, since in recent times I’ve never heard of this happening to a metal band, or at least it was not openly acknowledged: In The Name Of is, what you could call, a casting band. In 2010 the vocalist Tyler Small started the band, with Danny Worsnop of Asking Alexandria (fun fact: I’ve lost count of how often I’ve mentioned AA in my reviews) acting as manager. They recruited several band members over the course of, roughly, half a year and started recording almost immediately.

The first result did not impress me much, but it was just a rough edit of a song so I didn’t really lose interest in the band itself but I stopped checking their page regularly. A bit more than a year later, in late 2012, I saw that they were about to release their first record completely for free via Facebook. I was assuming that it’d be nothing more than a handful of songs but I was surprised to see that it was a full album with eleven songs. So now, without further ado, here is my review of said record: This Will All Make Sense Soon.

The album starts with a couple of acoustic chords but quickly picks up the pace with finest metalcore coming at you. The similarities between ITNO and AA are hard to miss but it’s not to the point where it’s a bother, at least to me. The guitars as well as the drums have a surprisingly good sound, considering that the band is unsigned and has only had, I’d imagine, access to limited funds. I must say that the entire production value is at a pretty sick level, another factor that made my jaw drop the first I listened through the thirty-nine minutes. The songwriting might not blow away everything that has ever been written but it’s solid, with a good sense for catchiness in the choruses, so no critique there.

The one thing that might put you off at first is the vocalist’s clean singing. It’s a bit “whiny” at first, but you get used to it quickly and, at least that was the case for me, you’ll enjoy them after, at the latest, your first listen-through of the album. His screams and growls on the other hand are on an excellent level and you’ll feel right at home. Additional support is given by Nick Arthur of Molotov Solution and Sean Neumann of This Romantic Tragedy on the songs Evoker and Discord, respectively.

To sum it up: give these guys a chance if you like the above-mentioned band or similar stuff, you will not be disappointed. And if you’ve never listened to anything of the kind, this might actually be a good start, especially since you can listen to it absolutely for free on their Facebook page. Here’s to hoping that the band is going to keep up the same level of output and possibly go on tour in the near future. They have my support for sure! You know the drill: song below if you need convincing.


The Carps’ – Gaia

The Carps’ are a Luxembourgish alternative rock trio. Or a postrock trio. Or a psychedelic jam band. Or just all of it. In fact, Gaia just does what comes to its mind from song to song, starting off with a postrock-like instrumental song, followed by a powerful alternative track, followed by an epic jam session called Maskerade (pretty fitting name, don’t you think?), and you’re going to be curious about what will hit your ears next.

Maybe a black metal outburst of hell? Well, this is a step which The Carps’ didn’t take in the end and we won’t be miffed about that. Talking about steps, one sometimes has the feeling that the boys could move even more freely than they do in the end. The jam-like fundament seems like it wants to break out way more often. Maybe this feeling is just due to the general desire for more new stuff in this monotone music world of the 21st century. And then, Gaia just casts a spell over the listener in those little corners of every song, that sometimes remind you of the playfulness of Motorpsycho. Everything is forgiven.

Also, there is that other lady which you always want to have on albums like these. What’s her name again? Groove! And those moments where groove meets progressive and experimental lands are the strongest on this 9 track LP recorded in 2010 and 2011, especially when the roaring bass guitar comes in. Yet, songs like Machine really make you curious about what would happen if the dog was fully unleashed.

We’re really looking forward to the coming creative output that this filigree band will present in the future.

It shouldn’t be necessary to mention that The Carps’ are always a worthy live experience too. Go grab their album and let’s hope they will show up again soon.

Recommendations: Maskerade, Machine, Hidden Path

Trash Monday LIX

Amazing video, hot guys and the best Guns’n’Roses cover ever. brianc1985’s comment describes it the best: “the three of them are playing 4 different songs at the same time!! how could that be possible!!” Absolutely fantastic, have a nice day!